The Dating Mastery Method

Shift from constantly attracting dates that end after a few months to a man that sees your value, emotionally invests & is ready to commit

Even If

You’ve tried everything & you’re worried that there’s something wrong with you


You’re tired of trying & waiting for men to step up and choose you

You have no problems attracting men

but you struggle to get past the first few dates before panic sets in and you hear that dreaded - ‘I’m just not ready for a relationship’ line coming in every time or you sense him pulling away and you feel unsafe, anxious and scared so you end it.

Maybe your friends and family tell you how much of a great catch you are & that the ‘perfect man will turn up when the time is right’

and you get caught up in the excitement of meeting a new, great guy, he’s really keen and making loads of effort and so you start ‘giving back’, planning cute dates, cooking for him to show him how much of a great catch you are and then you’re left wondering why he pulled away

Maybe you’re fine with being single because you’ve set up an amazing life for yourself but you’re ready to share it with a man that wants the same things as you

but you meet men that are really into you one moment and then distant the next and you just can’t quite seem to put your finger on why

Maybe you’ve done the research, you know where you’re going wrong but you still keep having the same problem with men & don’t know how to fix it

so you give up completely and decide to have a break from the apps, only to be back on after a few months hoping things will be different the next time around

The truth is, it doesnt matter how successful, funny, pretty or quirky you are, a man doesn’t fall in love with those things.

He falls in love with your heart and your feelings and how vulnerable you can be with him.

Until you realise that your attachment style & past hurts are creating the problem you’ll continue attracting the same guy but in different clothing.

You’ve been focussing on showing your value when you need to be focussing on your natural feminine energy power.

It’s simply a shift into your feminine energy that attracts a masculine energy man that is ready to step up and treat you like a queen.

The problem is that so many other coaches out there are telling you that you have to change in order to ‘get a man’ and giving you tactics like ‘match his energy’ and it’s stopping amazing women like you from showing your true, authentic self wholeheartedly

Meet Mishanti. She was feeling stuck in a pattern of fear & constantly arguing with her partner. She was able to identify the root cause and was able to shift out of projecting and into clarity.

“The techniques April uses to picture the moment have helped me see my life from different perspectives and realize that my inner child still has an impact on my daily life. I knew I had suffered from childhood traumas and hurt, which I was attempting to deal with through therapy and self-help books. Yes, these were helpful, but nothing compared to what April had provided.”

Mishanti,  Belize

Meet Rachael - After years & years of overgiving & people pleasing in her marriage felt burnt out & wanted to be more in her feminine energy after divorce.

Meet Elena, she was experiencing dates fizzling out one after the other and within just a short period of time she was able to lean back & enjoy letting a man court her and noticed him showing up for her consistently.

“April helped me really focus on how I wanted to feel in a relationship and gave me some really helpful tools and techniques to use when chatting to men and whilst on dates. I have started going on dates with a guy and have found myself using a lot of these techniques and really being present and leaning back on our dates .”

Elena, UK

Sonia, from Canada had one, 90 min strategy session with me. She shifted out of the intense sadness & fear of never meeting anyone to releasing the hold her ex had on her and feeling empowered to take the next steps.

She said- 👇

"Whatever we did on Monday together we released whatever debris of trauma I had left over in my body. It helped me because I am feeling alot better and I'm not as obsessed with him anymore."

If we haven’t met yet, Hi! I’m April

I’m a Dating and Relationship Mentor for women that want to feel confident in their own skin, release old patterns & behaviours so that they can attract their dream, forever relationship.

I’m a Professional Certified Coach with over a decade of experience in relationships have been coaching women around my 2 children aged 7 & 8.

Somatic healing, experiential coaching techniques alongside my natural ability to tune into clients intuitively are among some of the approaches used to gain powerful results for clients.

Within just a few sessions my clients have shifted from feeling confused, disappointed & unheard to finding their perfect match.

I’m not here to teach you icky tactics or tell you how you’re getting it wrong.

First, I guide you as we uncover what YOUR unique dream forever love looks like.

From there I teach you action-oriented tools to magnetise that exact man without losing yourself or having to be a doormat.

I then teach you methods that strengthen your feminine energy so that you can exhale, relax & be your genuine, authentic, loving self without worrying that you’re too much & without the fear of stuffing it up again.

We do this together, one baby step at a time.

Sure, you can follow ‘how to get a man’ tactics and you’ll easily get a man but you don’t want any man.

You’re ready for the man that prioritizes you every day, is consistent, devoted & loves you with everything he has.

What if….

You could shift from dating men that fizzle out after a few months to being with a man that commits in just a few short months

You could trust yourself to recognise red flags vs anxious thoughts?

Dating was easy & fun?

You didn’t have to spend any more wasted time on dating apps?

Anxiety became a distant memory because you met a secure man that consistently reassures you?

You were about to go on your very last ‘first date’?

You will notice;

Your fears & anxiety subsiding

Men becoming consistent without you having to try

Empowered ease & flow in decision making & boundary setting

You no longer have to worry about disappointing a man, pleasing a man or making an effort to show your value

What if you could achieve this in just 90 days?


The Dating Mastery Method

Shift from constantly attracting dates that end after a few months to a man that sees your value, emotionally invests & commits to you forever

You will learn the game changing communication styles that get men to step in to their masculine energy and how your feminine energy super charges your allure. You will gain a skill set to add to your toolkit of resources.

Here’s whats included…


    Feminine Energy Principles

    Overcoming Attachment Wounds

    Somatic (body) lead healing


    Subconscious re-programming

    Mindset Techniques to Overcome Sabotage

    Visual Practice to Call Him in


    Smart Dating Strategy

    Dating App Profile Review

    Done For You Scripts to Talk to Men From Your Feminine Energy


    Inspire a Masculine Energy Man

    How to Talk to A Man so That He Pursues

    Polarity Principles

Meet Lexie

She was meeting men that were exciting, fun & attractive but not compatible to be her forever person. She knew she had so much to offer and was ready to date differently and finally break the cycle of attracting the wrong men.

  • A 90 day deep dive container for single women that are ready to break through old patterns, overcome past hurts & call in their dream forever person.

  • 👉🏻 You’re in the early stages of dating or the ‘talking stage’ and you’re sick & tired of the endless chatting that never seems to progress to anything more or promising new connections fizzling out after just a few dates & you want to know how exactly to attract a masculine energy man that steps up, initiates & takes the lead. (without the exhaustion of constantly texting back & forth or constant wasted dating)

    👉🏻 Maybe you’re fed up of putting in all the effort to find a great man and on the verge of giving up on love altogether, but deep down you’re clinging to the hope that the one really DOES exist for you (spoiler alert….he’s closer than you think!)

    👉🏻 Or maybe you’re scared you’ll be alone forever because you see all your friends in great relationships and so you think there must be something wrong with you. The truth is there’s nothing wrong with you but how you show up that makes the difference. Men fall in love with your feminine energy & do you want the good news? You already HAVE feminine energy! It’s so simple and so close to you, you’ll be shocked at how men change & show up differently when you invest in yourself & embody your unique feminine power.

  • 👉🏻 12 x 1 hour 1:1 sessions to powerfully shift blocks, rewire deep subconscious beliefs that are attracting the wrong men & release past hurts that are holding you back from healthy, lasting love. Value - $2999

    👉🏻 4 months Voxer support & guidance with me in between sessions for those questions like- ‘I haven’t heard from him, should I txt him?’ / ‘he’s asked me to go to his house for dinner, should I go?’ / ‘when do I tell him what I want?’ / ‘When is it the right time to go exclusive?’ I’ll be there right by your side so you know exactly what to do so that you’re not pushing him away & he’s falling in love with the real, authentic, you. Value - $999

    👉🏻 Feminine Energy Workbook with impactful practices that make you irresistible to Masculine energy men that are ready to commit. Value - $99

    👉🏻 The ‘Manifest Him’ Worksheet to design your unique Dream Forever Person so that you can effortlessly call him in. Value - $99

    👉🏻 Magnetic Dating Strategy- my Step by step approach to strengthening your intuition so that you never again have to settle for men that won’t step up and so you never again get ghosted by a man you you had your heart set on. Value - $199

    👉🏻 Done for you texts & scripts. I will personally support you to express what you’re really wanting to say to a man so that you’re never again spending hours crafting the perfect response and you know what to say with confidence in a heartbeat. Value - $199

    👉🏻 Your Dream Forever Visualization Audio - A resource to keep that powerfully imprints on your mind what you are drawing to you. Value - $59

    👉🏻 Understanding Men Worksheet - Attracting the right partner is being equipped with the knowledge on how to ‘be’ around men so that it inspires masculine energy & understanding the science in how men & women are different in how they relate to each other is a crucial, not to be missed step! Value - $99

    TOTAL VALUE - $4,750usd

    ONE PAYMENT OF - $2,500usd

    TWO PAYMENTS OF $1,2500usd

    payment plans available

  • A 30 Day Container - For single women wanting to get clarity on how to date to attract men who see your value and want to commit long term- (30 Day Container)

  • 👉🏻 Youre ready to find your forever person but being on the apps feels like your spinning in circles because you keep attracting idiots that waste your time.

    👉🏻 You’d be open to meeting men in real life but have no idea where to start

    👉🏻 Dating is exhausting and you’re ready to employ a strategy that gives you the exact framework that puts you in your feminine energy and makes you a magnet to your dream forever person

  • 👉🏻 4 hour coaching 1:1 sessions focussing on identifying beliefs and behaviours blocking you from love. Expert advice on each dating scenario so you know exactly what to do with men so that you become a magnet to the man of your dreams! Value - $1999

    👉🏻 6 weeks Voxer support & guidance with me in between sessions for those questions like- ‘I haven’t heard from him, should I txt him?’ / ‘he’s asked me to go to his house for dinner, should I go?’ / ‘when do I tell him what I want?’ / ‘When is it the right time to go exclusive?’ I’ll be there right by your side so you know exactly what to do so that you’re not pushing him away & he’s falling in love with the real, authentic, you. Value - $999

    👉🏻 The ‘Manifest Him’ Worksheet to design your unique Dream Forever Person so that you can effortlessly call him in. Value - $99

    👉🏻 Magnetic Dating Strategy- my Step by step approach to strengthening your intuition so that you never again have to settle for men that won’t step up and so you never again get ghosted by a man you you had your heart set on. Value - $199

    👉🏻 Done for you texts & scripts. I will personally support you to express what you’re really wanting to say to a man so that you’re never again spending hours crafting the perfect response and you know what to say with confidence in a heartbeat. Value - $199

  • A one off, 75min session, to zone in on one specific challenge or topic to release confusion and have a customized clear roadmap to move forward and have your dream forever relationship.

  • 👉🏻 1 x 75min 1:1 session to get clear on where you are at and where you want to be so that I can create a strategy customized to your specific need.

    👉🏻 2 weeks Voxer support & guidance with me so you’re not alone after our session and you feel confident to implement the strategy.

    ONE PAYMENT OF - $250usd